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We're Your Source of Genuine Quatro Air Filters and Parts 
HEPA Filters, Bag Filters, Dust Pre-Filters, Chemical Odor Filters, Bulk Chemical Media, Motors, UV Light, etc.

Air Purifiers Filtration Systems hospitals and Healthcare

Given the Covid virus currently on everyone’s mind it is no surprise to see hand sanitizer everywhere; at schools, the office and many public places. We have air purifiers, air filtration system units geared for waiting rooms, clinics, isolation rooms etc.

Maintaining Excellent Indoor Air Quality

As places of healing and recovery, it is imperative that healthcare institutions maintain excellent indoor air quality (IAQ) to ensure the best outcomes for patients.

Most public hospital buildings were built many years ago with antiquated heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems that have yet to be updated. In an effort to find a low budget solution, hospitals will often install low-cost filters that do little to protect their staff and patients from indoor air pollution.

Poor air quality can contribute to a number of adverse health effects such as asthma and allergies as well as nosocomial infections (those not present previous to hospital admission).

Along with the numerous health benefits, installing efficient, long-life air filters provides financial incentives by lowering energy costs long-term.

Air Quality Concerns and Issues

A number of pollutants that originate from both outside and inside the hospital have the potential to contaminate indoor air.

Found in hospital devices such as thermometers, blood pressure cuffs and thermostats, mercury is a neurotoxin that can negatively impact the brain, liver, kidneys, central nervous and respiratory systems. If a mercury-containing device is broken, not carefully handled or stored without proper ventilation, mercury can leak out and emit toxic vapors contaminating indoor air. Once inhaled, mercury vapors can enter the lungs and later be absorbed into the bloodstream. Because mercury is so toxic to humans, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has set the legal enforceable ceiling limit for workplace exposure at 100 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3 ). At no point during the workday should the concentration of mercury vapors exceed this level.

Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Dioxin and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) is a plastic used in a number of medical supplies such as IV bags and surgical tubing. Considered by Greenpeace to be the most environmentally damaging plastic in existence, PVC poses serious risks to human health as well.

Burning medical waste that contains PVC produces the dangerous chemical dioxin. If inhaled, dioxin can cause cancer as well as reproductive and developmental problems, immune system damage and hormone issues. Off gassing is also a concern as PVC can release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air. Dangerous if inhaled, exposure to VOC can cause fatigue, irritability, brain fog and eye, nose and throat irritation. 

Outdoor Pollution
Patients often bring particulates into the building by transporting them on their clothes, hair or skin. Hospitals located in cities are especially at risk as pollution levels tend to be higher. Ambulance and other vehicle exhaust as well as pollution from construction, industrial facilities, power plants and urban smog can infiltrate and affect IAQ. Hospitals located in rural areas also face threats to their air quality as pollen, seeds and other contaminants used in farming or raising cattle may pollute their indoor air.

Infectious Disease
Many patients infected with respiratory viruses will visit healthcare facilities to either seek treatment for the infection or for other ailments. Preventing an outbreak and keeping staff and patients safe, is a priority for any hospital.
Coughing and sneezing can propel infectious pollutants as far as 200 feet and remain airborne long enough to reach ceiling ventilation units, putting more people at risk of infection. Patients that are immunocompromised remain the most in danger for adverse reactions due to airborne pathogens.To contain infectious diseases and prevent their spread, hospitals can install negative and positive pressure rooms.
A negative pressure room uses a HEPA air purifier to create lower air pressure inside a room to trap and keep potentially harmful particles from leaving. Negative pressure rooms are an effective way to isolate people with infectious diseases and protect others outside the room from exposure. |They are commonly used here.|
Positive pressure rooms have higher pressure inside the room so air can leave but not circulate back in. Any germs or airborne particles will be filtered out and any harmful pollutants will be prevented from coming back in so the patient in the room is protected. They are generally used for patients who are vulnerable to infectious diseases such as those with compromised immune systems. 
|They are also used for these.|

Stand-Alone, Recirculating Air Units
Large, Medium, Small Size Air Purifiers, Filtration Systems For Various Size Rooms and Spaces

As with the hand sanitizers, face masks, it only makes sense to be prepared to contain the next pandemic. We have units geared for waiting rooms, examination rooms, office reception area, clinics, isolation rooms etc. Call us today to determine which Quatro Air Filtration unit best suits your needs.

Stand-Alone, Recirculating Air Units

Continuously recirculates the indoor ambient room air through a multi-stage air filtration system, removing airborne contaminants every time the air passes through the unit. The higher the number of air changes per hour (ACH), the cleaner the air will be.

Positive Negative Pressure Environments

Highly efficient air purification system that can be deployed in less than 15 minutes and transform a room into an emergency negative pressure isolation environment. These units come with a flexible hose collar / adaptor.

Negative Air Pressure

Ambient air from corridor is drawn inside the room. Contaminated air inside patient room is drawn into the air purifier, air filtration system, and the filtered, now clean, air is exhausted to the outside of the room.

see diagram

Turn a regular patient room into an isolation room - negative air pressure in minutes with our BP2000-IF and BP1000-IF Series

Whether your needs are Patient Isolation, General Purification, Particulate/Odor Source Capture, or Dust Collection, a QUATRO environmental air purifier will make a noticeable difference. 
QUATRO has designed a wide range of units geared towards the medical profession. Targeting a host of harmful germs, viruses, bacteria, micro-organisms, chemicals and odors, QUATRO's medical grade HEPA filters, highly adsorbent gas-phase chemical filters and/or germicidal UV lights work collectively to provide a truly hygienic environment.
Given the Covid virus currently on everyone’s mind it is no surprise to see hand sanitizer everywhere; at schools, the office and many public places. 
With the SARS outbreak of 2003 hundreds of the  Quatro Air "Medic-Air" series sold around the world and have  been selling ever since to health care facilities in preparedness for the next airborne virus.  
As with the hand sanitizer; it only makes sense to be prepared to contain the next pandemic.
With true medically certified HEPA filters and UVGI lights to kill bacteria the BP2000-IF / AF2000-IF and the BP1000-IF / AF1000-IF series will help ensure your patients’ health and safety as well as your healthcare facility staff.  
We have units geared for waiting rooms, clinics, isolation rooms etc. Talk to one of our specialists today to determine which air purification unit best suits your needs.

Request Quote - Info - Call 1-800-626-0664 to order

They are commonly used for:
Waiting areas
Triage Areas
Airborne Infection Isolation Rooms
Autopsy and Dark Rooms
Soiled Laundry Areas
Decontamination Spaces

They are also used for:
Operating Theaters
In Vitro Fertilization Labs